Okay, it is abit messy and I really need to get to cleaning and organizing abit, and what better way than to show pics of it - lol. So I am going to consider these the "Before" pics. My stamping area is in the laundry room, we have this large open area in the basement for the laundry and after putting in the cabinets and the table, it sort of took off. The white cupboards hold all my stamps, there are 3 cupboards in total - I own too many stamps! The open shelving is above the washer and dryer and right behind my table to it is easy for me to access the punches. The white boxes hold cards - either swap cards, cards I make to send out, or samples that I just can't get rid of. Going to have to do some more work there. Next to the open shelves and above the dryer is a cabinet with some stamps, lower shelf is just BG stamps. I organize mine by box size and then alphabetically. So far it has worked for me.
The table is a mess, but I bought these great clear drawer units from The Container Store (love that place) and they hold a TON of things. Above them are some acrylic stamp pad holders - wish I bought 2 more and now I can't find them. Above the table is another cabinet with more stamps sets and beside the table is a tall cabinet that holds guess. what.......more stamps, but also my envelopes and some misc stuff that I haven't decided what to do with yet. Under the table is one of those great carts I bought at Costco, and it holds a bunch of things as well. Not greatly organized, I think that this will be my next project and have them hold ribbon and things. The next pic is my paper storage unit, bought these at Ikea and they work great behind the door that leads to the garage. I bought alot of the paper storage thingies from SU and put all my paper in them. Works fab and I can see at a glance what I am running out of. Looks like it needs some cleaning up too - goodness. On top of the bookcase is my fiskers cutter, it is going away soon and being replaced with the SU cutter. The tall bookcase was originally intended for all the books and ideas, but that got away from me too, so it is a mishmash of stuff in there.
And last but not least is yet another pic of the table - this is from the stairs into the laundry room - a nice great open place to work. All those stamp sets on the floor came out of the cupboards to make room for new stamps. I am going to have to do something with those guys one day too.
Thanks for looking, hopefully in Sept I will have some great after pics to show - LOL.
Okay- yeah it is a bit messy lisa but it has to be for you to work. I should post some pictures of my workspace on my blog sometime. I just did an overhaul cleaning down there.
Great blog and keep up the work!
Thank you for posting. I love to see other work area's. I love the fact that it is a bit messy - mine is too! So often I have seen the pristine work area's and wonder - do they spend more time organizing and putting things away than creating? Like I said - Love your work space!
Great room!!
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